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Brasão da Universidade Federal do Ceará

Universidade Federal do Ceará
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Médicas

Área do conteúdo


Center for Studies in Microscopy and Image Processing

Our group is dedicated to research in the area of morphology (histology and embryology) and uses state-of-the-art equipment to generate images that lead to a better understanding of the biology of cells and tissues, and consequent understanding of the pathophysiology of various diseases and effects of substances with potential therapeutic. Confocal and electron microscopy, together with image capture and processing software, will be used for morphometric and stereological analysis of cellular and histological structures to understand biological phenomena.

Professor in charge: Dra. Gerly Anne de Castro Brito

Central vivarium

Central vivarium of the Federal University of Ceará is a technical-administrative body, whose purpose is to create and maintain laboratory animals (rats and mice), which are intended for teaching, research and extension activities. The same was constituted through resolution nº 03/CONSUNI of June 10, 1991 and advocates the inseparability between teaching, research and extension. Vivarium Central produces albino rats (Rattus novergicus), of the Wistar strain, and albino mice (Mus musculus), of the Swiss strain, which are mostly used in research activities and, to a lesser extent, in teaching activities.

Institute of Biomedicine / Clinical Research Unit

The Institute of Biomedicine / Clinical Research Unit brings together professors from departments and sectors of the Faculty of Medicine interested in basic and clinical biomedical research. This Unit was created in 1989 with the Departments of Physiology and Pharmacology and Clinical Medicine as the main academic sources. The Clinical Research Unit carries out research in the areas of molecular biology, physiology, pharmacology, infectious and parasitic diseases, pediatrics, gastroenterology, nutrition, endocrinology, nephrology and rheumatology. The works developed include basic and clinical research in hospitals in Fortaleza. Priority diseases are studied, such as diarrhea, malnutrition, hospital infection, peptic ulcer, gastritis, diabetes and hypertension. Fieldwork in communities is carried out through a prospective cohort study on diarrheal diseases in the Gonçalves Dias community and in the Parque Universitário community, both in Fortaleza, focusing on studies of new emerging/reemerging etiologies of intestinal infections and new toxins and virulence factors. . The Clinical Research Unit also develops new therapeutic and prevention strategies using glutamine and derivatives, vitamin A, zinc and iron.

Professor in charge: Dr. Aldo Angelo Moreira Lima

Laboratory Breathing

The Breathing Laboratory develops research in the areas of mechanical ventilation (especially in patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease), and analysis of chest images and clinical research in the context of intensive care.

Professors in charge: Dr. Marcelo Alcantara Holland

Laboratory Cancer Cytogenomics

The Cancer Cytogenomics Laboratory studies myeloid neoplasms using Classical G-Band Cytogenetics, Molecular Cytogenetics by FISH (Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization), SNP Polymorphisms (Genotyping) and Gene expression of tumor suppressors and oncogenes. The laboratory has the Chromu, Lucia and Cytivision karyotyping systems coupled to fluorescence microscopy for Cytogenetic studies and two Q-PCR 7500 FAST (Applied Biosystems) devices for polymorphism and gene expression studies.

Professors in charge: Dra. Silvia Maria Meira Magalhães and Dr. Ronald Feitosa Pinheiro

Laboratory Diseases of Mineral Metabolism in Chronic Kidney Disease

The laboratory provides logistical support that benefits research in the area of mineral metabolism and chronic kidney disease, extending to research programs in the area of rheumatology and endocrinology, working mainly on the following topics: acute renal failure in intensive care, renal function in leptospirosis, leprosy, kala-azar and HIV.

Professors in charge: Dra. Elizabeth de Francesco Daher and Dra. Taina Veras de Sandes Freitas

Laboratory Endocrinology

Conducts clinical research in the area of Endocrinology and Metabology, working mainly on the following topics, diabetes mellitus, insulin resistance, obesity and metabolic syndrome.

Professor in charge: Dr. Renan Magalhães Montenegro Júnior

Laboratory Gastroenterology Research

It studies the pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment of motor diseases of the digestive system, particularly Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease. It has techniques for functional studies: high-resolution and conventional manometry, ambulatory pH monitoring, ambulatory impedancemetry, barostat for visceral sensitivity and compliance, breath test (Hydrogen) for intestinal transit and bacterial overgrowth, gastric emptying with Carbon13, ultrasound and elastography. In 2017, we started studies related to sarcopenia with molecular methods (Western Blot and PCR).

Professor in charge: Dr. Miguel Ângelo Nobre e Souza

Laboratory Gastrointestinal Physiopharmacology Studies

The group’s main interest is the study of mechanisms and new therapeutic options for diseases of the digestive tract. Most of our work involves preclinical experimental model studies, as well as with biological material from patients with inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, such as gastroesophageal reflux disease, functional dyspepsia and inflammatory bowel diseases. At the moment, our laboratory is interested in the evaluation of the interaction between the inflammatory response and the integrity of the digestive tract mucosa, through studies that evaluate the mediators, mechanisms and functional impacts of inflammation on the protective and motor function of the digestive system. As well as modulate the inflammatory response and the loss of mucosal integrity with natural products from the flora of the Brazilian semiarid region. To this end, we use pharmacological modulation, biochemical, immunoenzymatic methods, cellular and molecular biology and biophysics. As a researcher with a CNPq grant, since 2007, he participated in the authorship of more than 130 original articles and supervised 23 master’s and 15 doctoral degrees in the postgraduate courses of Pharmacology, Medical Sciences and Surgical Medical Sciences at the Federal University of Ceará.

Professor in charge: Dr. Marcellus Henrique Loiola Ponte de Souza

Laboratory Healing Biology, Ontogeny, and Tissue Nutrition

Laboratory Healing Biology, Ontogeny, and Tissue Nutrition aims to identify and understand the molecular mechanisms, as well as the involvement of apolipoprotein E, related to tissue regeneration, from nutritional intervention, using methods of proteomic analysis and microscopic imaging. LABICONTE is linked to the Biomedicine Nucleus (NUBIMED) and the Morphology Department of the Faculty of Medicine/Federal University of Ceará.

Professor in charge: Dr. Reinaldo Barreto Oriá

Laboratory Luís Capelo School Laboratory

In the 1980s, Prof. Luiz Capelo developed experiments that revealed a new functional role for the TGI, that of contributing to volume homeostasis through adjustments in motor behavior. In this case, the stomach and jejunum function as reservoirs that can be adjusted to the organic demands for volume, fitting more into bleeding and less into hypervolemia. Now under the supervision of Prof. Hélio Rola, a researcher at CNPq, found that the GI transit regime itself is also adjustable, as the gastroduodenal flow of fluid is greater in bleeding and less in hypervolemia. Currently, under the supervision of Prof. Armênio Santos, a researcher at CNPq, began to study these aspects of GI motility in human beings at the University Hospital of the UFC.

In addition, the effects of spinal cord trauma on the motility of the proximal portions of the GI tract of awake rats have been characterized, as well as the effects of intracranial hypertension in anesthetized rats on gastric compliance, monitored by the plethysmographic method, validated in the laboratory.

Professor in charge: Dr. Armenio Aguiar dos Santos

Laboratory Lung Function

The Pulmonary Function Laboratory studies chronic respiratory diseases, especially chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and performs preoperative assessment of patients who are candidates for abdominal surgery, mainly liver transplantation.

Professor in charge: Dra. Eanes Delgado Barros

Laboratory Natural Products

The Natural Products Laboratory carries out experimental research, in animals and in cell culture, in the area of Ethnopharmacology, with emphasis on the study of the effects of medicinal plants and their active principles in the gastrointestinal tract and in metabolic disorders (insulin resistance, diabetes, obesity), in addition to analgesic and anti-inflammatory actions.

Professor in charge: Dra. Flavia Almeida Santos

Laboratory Pharmacogenetics

Focused on the study of biomarkers in chronic diseases, using cell culture techniques, toxicogenetics and Molecular Biology such as cytotoxicity test, comet test, real-time PCR and sequencing. The laboratory has equipment for image capture, DNA/RNA dosage, electrophoresis systems, PCR, real-time PCR to carry out different studies of polymorphism and gene mutation.

Professor in charge: Dra. Raquel Carvalho Montenegro

Laboratory Osteoarthropathy Research

The Osteoarthropathy Research Laboratory has as research lines to study the role of components of innate immunity in the inflammatory response in chronic arthritis and mechanisms of cartilage damage in chronic arthritis. It also develops clinical protocols in the area of Rheumatology. We have collaboration with the Center for Specialized in Medical Mycology at the Federal University of Ceará, Nucleus of Studies in Microscopy and Image Processing at the Federal University of Ceará, Laboratory of Polymers of the Dept. in Organic and Inorganic Chemistry at the Federal University of Ceará and the Inflammation Laboratory at the Pharmacology Department at the University of São Paulo in Ribeirão Preto.

Professor in charge: Dr. Francisco Airton Castro da Rocha

Laboratory Neuroscience and Behavior

Neuroscience and Behavior Laboratory in vivo research is carried out using animal models (rats and mice) of Transient and Permanent Cerebral Ischemia, Parkinson’s Disease, Alzheimer’s Disease, Depression, Anxiety and Memory; and in vitro experiments with human neuroblastoma cell culture (SH-SY5Y) and rat adrenal cell pheochromocytoma (PC12) in neurotoxin cytotoxicity models. Using the models described, drugs with possible neuroprotective action are studied, particularly those that act on adenosine and ATP receptors and substances isolated from medicinal plants with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory action.

Professor in charge: Dra. Geanne Matos de Andrade

Laboratory of Research in Parasitology and Mollusc Biology

Laboratory of Research in Parasitology and Biology of Molluscs, registered in the Directory of Research Groups in Brazil of CNPq as Research Group on Schistosomiasis – Federal University of Ceará since 1999, develops basic and advanced research in the area of schistosomiasis in endemic regions , in the State of Ceará and in other regions of northeastern Brazil, focusing on transmission, intermediate hosts, epidemiological aspects, diagnosis, manifestations of the disease and its clinical follow-up. It develops training actions for primary care health professionals regarding the control of schistosomiasis within the scope of the Unified Health System and health education actions with communities affected by this infection. It has a special focus on the area of diagnosis, through the use and performance evaluation of new tools (coproscopic, immunological, immunochromatographic and molecular biology). We have a group of national and international collaborators, formed by specialists in several areas, which allows us to have a robust technical support for the development of projects in this area

Professor in charge: Dr. Fernando Schemelzer de Moraes Bezerra

Laboratory of Emerging and Re-emerging Pathogens / Specialized Center for Medical Mycology

Research Areas: Microbiology with emphasis on Medical Bacteriology/Medical Mycology, working mainly on the following topics: Epidemiological, clinical, immunological, phenotypic and genetic aspects of pathogenic fungi to humans and animals; Emerging and re-emerging bacterial and fungal pathogens.

Professor in charge: Dra. Raimunda Sâmia Nogueira Brilhante

Laboratory Sleep

Sleep Laboratory conducts clinical research in sleep medicine through studies of sleep disorders such as sleep apnea syndrome, rhythm disorders; and general clinical conditions and their relationship with sleep and daily rhythms. The laboratory uses polysomnography and actimetry records. The effects of sleep alterations on metabolic and hormonal parameters are also researched. Currently, more specifically, there are projects linked to cystic fibrosis, chronic renal failure, sleep apnea syndrome, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and cerebrovascular disease, in addition to an ongoing line of research in diabetes and obesity. The laboratory has collaborations with the Endocrinology, Gastroenterology, Otorhinolaryngology, Dentistry and Nephrology services of the University Hospital.

Professors in charge: Dra. Veralice Sales de Bruin and Dr. Pedro Felipe de Bruin

Walter Cantidio University Hospital

The Hospital Complex of the Federal University of Ceará comprises the Walter Cantídio University Hospital and the Assis Chateaubriand Maternity School, both are an assistance, teaching and research unit, Walter Cantídio University Hospital is a reference center for the training of human resources and the development of research in the health area, as well as playing an important role in health care in the State of Ceará, being integrated into the Unified Health System. As a reference center for teaching, it serves as an internship field for undergraduate and graduate students of the UFC Medicine, Nursing and Pharmacy courses, as well as receiving students in the health area from other universities in the state. It brings together qualified professionals and generates knowledge in the area of clinical research, surgery and clinical pharmacology.

The Walter Cantidio University Hospital is a tertiary referral hospital to which patients with different pathologies, from the most diverse clinical and surgical specialties are referred. The Walter Cantidio University Hospital has 224 beds distributed in the Clinic and Surgery, general and specialized outpatient clinics and offers all highly complex services, including transplants. The Walter Cantidio University Hospital is linked to the National Clinical Research Network, from FINEP/CNPq. Several professors from the Postgraduate Program in Medical Sciences use the Hospital Universitário Walter Cantidio infrastructure in their teaching, research and extension activities. From now on, the University Hospitals of the Federal University of Ceará (Walter Cantídio University Hospital and Assis Chateaubriand Maternity School) have the standard of care provided by the Management of Processes and Information Technology / Brazilian Company of Hospital Services.

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