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Universidade Federal do Ceará
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Médicas

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Selection Process


Open postings for admission to the Master’s degree and Doctoral programs shall be previously determined by the Program Panel and be presented in a selection public notice.


The application process accepts:
– Subjects with Undergraduate Degrees in Biomedicine, Biological Sciences, Physical Education, Nursing, Pharmacy, Physical Therapy, Speech Therapy, Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, Nutrition, Odontology, Psychology or Occupational Therapy from Institutions of Higher Degree accredited by MEC;
– In case of a candidate to Doctoral degree, with a Master’s degree certification in Biomedicine or in any other area of interest to Medicine, in a Graduation course accredited by CAPES. The candidate that, during the Doctoral enrollment, has not finished the Master’s degree course can present a statement issued by the corresponding Graduation Program, reporting the scheduled date to defend the thesis.

3.1. Procedures to complete the enrollment
The enrollment shall be conducted by means of the two phases as follows:

Phase 1 – Completion of the electronic form available in the Integrated System of Academic Activity Management (SIGAA) of UFC, in the website www.si3.ufc.br/sigaa/public (tab processos seletivos – stricto sensu [selection processes – stricto sensu]).

Phase 2 – Presentation of all the documents required in item 3.2 inside a sealed envelope to the Graduation Program in Medical Sciences during the enrollment period determined in a public notice, during business hours (only business days).

– The documents can be personally delivered via mail or Power of Attorney. The enrollment through a Power of Attorney shall only be allowed after presenting the corresponding Power of Attorney and the identification document of the person in charge. The documentation mailed through SEDEX shall be mandatorily posted until the last day of the enrollment period.
– Address for enrollment/submission of documents: Universidade Federal do Ceará, Faculdade de Medicina, Departamento de Medicina Clínica, Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciências Médicas, Rua Costa Mendes, 1608, 4th floor, Bloco Didático, Rodolfo Teófilo, Zip Code 60430-140, Fortaleza-Ceará, Brazil.

– Only enrollment forms with their complete documents and submitted throughout the period established in this public notice will be accepted.

– Information regarding acceptance/non-acceptance of the enrollment forms will be sent by the Evaluation Committee of Enrollments, designated by the PPGCM Coordination via e-mail to the candidate. The candidate is fully responsible for registering a valid e-mail in the enrollment form of this selection process. The Evaluation Committee of Enrollments will report acceptance/non-acceptance information of the enrollments in the SIGAA system.

3.2. Required documents for enrollment
– Receipt of enrollment created after registration in SIGAA’s website at www.si3.ufc.br/sigaa/public (tab processos seletivos – stricto sensu);

– Enrollment form duly completed with a recent photo 3×4 size;

– Legible copy without obliteration of the Identity Card, of the Social Security Number (SSN), of the voter ID card and of the military service status certificate (for men);

– Legible copy without obliteration, if it is a candidate to Doctoral degree, of the undergraduation certification, issued by the Higher Degree Institution accredited by MEC or an equivalent statement of undergraduation conclusion or statement of conclusion of the mandatory subjects and/or modules of the undergraduation course, with the scheduled date for the Graduation Ceremony, signed by the coordinator of the Undergraduation Course. If the candidate is approved, the enrollment will be conditioned to the presentation of the Undergraduation diploma or the Certificate of Graduation Ceremony of the Course issued by the Undergraduation Dean until the last day of enrollments for 2015.1 semester, based on the school calendar of UFC;

– Legible copy without obliteration, if it is a candidate to Doctoral degree, of the Master Degree’s diploma, in a graduation course accredited by CAPES or an equivalent statement of dissertation defense or statement of subjects conclusion and mandatory credits of the Master Degree’s course, with the scheduled date for dissertation defense, signed by the advisor and by the coordinator of the Graduation Program. If the candidate is approved, the enrollment will be conditioned to the presentation of the Master Degree’s diploma or of the Certificate of Master Degree’s course Conclusion issued by the Dean of Research and Graduation until the last day of enrollment of 2014.1 semester, based on the school calendar of UFC;

– Curriculum vitae in the Lattes curriculum standard, registered in the Lattes Platform of CNPq (http://lattes.cnpq.br).

– Classification Spreadsheet of Lattes Curriculum complete and with a legible copy without obliteration of the substantiating documents. The substantiating documents shall be arranged based on the Classification Spreadsheet;

– Project of dissertation or thesis with at least 8 and at most 20 pages based on the rules published in the public notice. The project shall be given in three (3) printed and hardbound copies and one copy in CD.

The candidate that needs special assistance, based on Law No. 7853/1989 and Article 27, items I and II of Decree No. 3298/1999, can require special conditions to perform the tests. The candidate should do the following:

– During the online enrollment, indicate the solicitant condition of special assistance through the special assistance form;

– Mandatorily attach to the documents mentioned in item 3.2 the requirement for special assistance and the medical record with indication of the type of disability he/she has and/or with specification of his/her needs regarding customized assistance. Such medical record should include the name of the physician who provided the document, the contact telephone, and the medical registration of the professional. The following can be requested:
-For visual-impaired subjects: Dosvox, amplified test (font 24), test in Braille, reader;
-For complete hearing-impaired subjects: interpreter in Libras (Libras does not replace reading in Portuguese);
-For a physical disability that does not allow completion of the Answer Sheet: transcriber;
-In case of a strong locomotion difficulty: proper space.

-The candidate with a disability that requires special assistance and does not include the medical record or does not follow the procedures, the deadlines and time established in the sub-items of this Public Notice shall not be able to take the selection process in special conditions. The medical record (original or copy) should include the candidate’s legible name and SSN.

-The conditions required in the special assistance form are subject to viability and reasonability analysis of the request.

-The candidates that follow the emergency requirements, provided they are hospitalized, or nursing women that want to request special assistance, shall complete the protocol in the PPGCM office until 72 hours before the beginning of the selection process. In no hypothesis, the PPGCM coordination shall receive special assistance requests outside the UFC buildings.

A Committee of Selection comprised of at least three (03) professors indicated by the PPGCM board shall do the selection of candidates. The list(s) of selection committee(s) shall be disclosed until 48 hours before the selection process in the mural of the PPGCM office and/or at the website: http://www.ppgcm.ufc.br.

The selection process for Master’s and Doctoral degree shall comprise 02 (two) phases:

4.1. Phase one: Presentation and Defense of Research Project
-This phase is eliminatory.
– The classification scale is from 0 to 10, where 7.0 (seven) is the minimum score for approval.
– Date of presentation: to be established in the Public Selection Notice.
– The list with the order and time of presentation of the candidates will be disclosed in the notice wall of the PPGCM and/or published in the electronic website: http://www.ppgcm.ufc.br.
– The research project shall be prepared following the requirements described in the selection Public Notice and shall be associated with one of the research lines and/or the PPGCM laboratory.
– The candidate shall be evaluated by the Committee of Selection regarding: i) Focus and clarity of the proposed objectives; ii) Character of the project regarding the expected results and possible benefits for the area under study and/or for the areas of society’s use; iii) Compliance with ethical and/or environmental aspects; iv) Feasibility of the project; v) Technical and scientific knowledge in compliance with the proposal. Each item of the evaluation will be scored 0-10 and the final grade of this phase will be the mean of the five items.
– Place of presentation: Meeting Room of the Graduation Program in Medical Sciences, Rua Costa Mendes, 1608, Bloco Didático, 4º Andar, Faculdade de Medicina da UFC.
-The result of this phase will be disclosed in decreasing classification order in the PPGCM and/or at the website: http://www.si3.ufc.br/sigaa/public.

4.2. Phase two: Evaluation of the Curriculum vitae
– This step is classificatory.
– The classification scale is from 0 to 10. The candidate with the highest score in the Curriculum vitae analysis will receive a 10 (ten), the lowest score will receive 7 (seven), and the other grades shall be calculated through proportion.
– Date of presentation: to be established in the Public Selection Notice.
– The curriculum vitae analysis will be based on the classification criteria described in the Selection Public Notice.
– The candidate does not need to be present in this phase.
– The result of this phase will be disclosed in decreasing classification order in the PPGCM and/or at the website: http://www.si3.ufc.br/sigaa/public.

– The final score of each candidate will be the mean of grades obtained in the two phases of the selection process.
– The candidate with final grade higher or equal to 7.0 (seven) will be approved.
– The final classification of the candidates will be given in decreasing order of the final grade, by indicating the result as follows: “approved and classified” or “approved, but not classified” or “disapproved.”
– In the event of a tie, the following will be the preference elements in decreasing order: Master’s degree certificate, title of specialist, professorship activity, and best classification in the evaluation of research project presentation. If the tie remains, the decision will be up to the Committee of Selection in nominal voting.
– The result of the selection process will be disclosed in the PPGCM and/or at: http://www.ppgcm.ufc.br.

– In case of enrollment disapproval and/or after disclosure of the result of each selection phase (eliminatory and/or classificatory), the candidate has the right of resource intervention by writing directly to the PPGCM coordinator, and delivering it in the PPGCM office in the maximum two business days after disclosure of the result of the enrollment analysis and/or of each step of selection due to legalization and merit, without quantitative limitation.
– The candidates have five business days, to be counted from the date of the result disclosure of the selection process, for resource intervention by writing directly to the PPGCM Coordinator and delivering it in the PPGCM office, due to legalization of merit, without quantitative limitation.

– Not all the open postings indicated in this public notice should be completed. This includes both the MASTER’S DEGREE and the DOCTORATE.
– The Coordination of the Graduation Program in Medical Sciences does not ensure scholarship to the chosen candidates.
– The Committee of Selection will analyze neglectful cases.
– After the conclusion of the selection process, the documents sent during the enrollment can be returned to the candidates.

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